Lemon Crab and Avocado

Just a small amount of crab can make a nice appetizer or lunch. This combination of lemon and crab, along with the smooth avocado and some good olive oil make a beautiful little tea sandwich or cracker topping or perfect just sprinkled over a salad.
You will need:

1 can crab or 4 oz fresh
3 tbsp good olive oil - like Mandranova orange label
1 tsp fresh mint
1 tbsp fresh parsley
1 spring onion or shallot (1 tbsp fine mince)
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
1 avocado
soft bread -toasted or served soft or cracker

Step 1: this is best if you have fresh but I bought a can of crab to try it and was pleasantly surprised. It is a perfect amount for two people as well. Drain water and add crab to a small bowl.

Step 2: chop mint, parsley, spring onion or shallot and add to crab. 

Step 3: Add lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper to crab. Toss gently so crab maintains some shape.

Step 4: mash an avocado and add an additional squeeze of lemon, salt and pepper.

I add a green salad and a sliced cucumber and topped simply with the great olive oil, salt and pepper.


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