Fettunta - Olive Oil Bruschetta

Fettunta - FE-TOONTA  which means "oily slice" in Italian is the simplest form of Bruschetta - BRUE-SKETA. Fettunta is Tuscany's version and was  a way to savor and taste the new year's olive oil. A slice of  toasted bread, rubbed with a peeled garlic clove, then doused  in glorious olive oil and sprinkled with some sea salt and I like it with some fresh cracked pepper to bring out the peppery flavours in the olive oil. You will be amazed at how wonderful this simple bread can be! I have used three beautiful oils that are from Umbria, Campania and Sicily. The colours and flavours are so completely different and truly delicious!

You will need:

  • some sliced and toasted baguette or rustic country bread
  • exceptional olive oil - get some fresh new oil! I have used Madonna Del Olio, Domenica Fiore and my favourite Mandranova Nocellara
  • flaked sea salt
  • pepper

Step 1: slice and toast some crusty bread.

Step 2: rub the entire side of a  crostini (toasted bread) with a raw clove of garlic 1 or two times (not more!)

Step 3: drizzle a generous amount of exceptional quality olive oil on bread. The oil can be from any region you like as long as it is fresh and you love the flavour. Sprinkle some sea salt and cracked pepper. Enjoy.

Look at how gloriously green the Mandranova Nocellara is!!


  1. Thanks for this amazing article. I loved it check haute her.


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